Source code for rascal.neighbourlist.structure_manager

from import Iterable
from functools import reduce
from operator import and_

import numpy as np

from ase.geometry import wrap_positions
from ase import Atoms

from ..lib import neighbour_list
from .base import (

[docs]class AtomsList(object): """ A container for the neighbourlist and representation data associated with a list of atomic structures. This is a wrapper class for the `StructureManagerCollection` that have between precompiled on the C++ side. Attributes ---------- nl_options : dict Parameters for each layer of the wrapped structure manager. Parameters can be specified for these layers: center, neighbourlist and strict. managers : StructureManagerCollection C++ object from rascal that holds the neighbourlist and the data associated with representations. """ def __init__(self, frames, nl_options, start=None, length=None, managers=None): """Build a new AtomsList with only the selected atomic structures and corresponding neighborlist and representations (if present). Parameters ------- frames : list of atomic structures. nl_options : dict Parameters for each layer of the wrapped structure manager. For example to initialize a neighbourlist for computing `SphericalInvariants` representation using a linked cell algorithm .. code:: python nl_options = [ dict(name="centers", args=dict()), dict(name="neighbourlist", args=dict(cutoff=interaction_cutoff)), dict(name="centercontribution", args=dict()), dict(name="strict", args=dict(cutoff=interaction_cutoff)), ] managers : `StructureManagerCollection` Take directly a `StructureManagerCollection` without recomputing anything. """ self.nl_options = nl_options self._frames = frames if managers is not None: self.managers = managers elif isinstance(frames, str): # if filename managers = StructureCollectionFactory(nl_options) if start is None and length is None: managers.add_structures(frames) elif start is not None and length is None: managers.add_structures(frames, start=start) elif start is not None and length is not None: managers.add_structures(frames, start=start, length=length) elif start is None and length is not None: managers.add_structures(frames, length=length) self.managers = managers else: # if python structure structures = convert_to_structure_list(frames) managers = StructureCollectionFactory(nl_options) try: managers.add_structures(structures) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Neighbourlist of structures failed " + "because: " + str(e) ) self.managers = managers def __iter__(self): return self.managers.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self.managers) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.managers[key] def get_subset(self, selected_ids): """Build a new AtomsList with only the selected atomic structures and corresponding neighborlist and representations (if present). Parameters ------- selected_ids : list/array of indices Returns ------- new_atom_list : AtomsList """ selected_ids = list(map(int, selected_ids)) new_managers = self.managers.get_subset(selected_ids) new_atom_list = AtomsList( [self._frames[idx] for idx in selected_ids], self.nl_options, managers=new_managers, ) return new_atom_list def get_features(self, calculator, species=None): """ Parameters ------- calculator : Calculator (an object owning a _representation object) species : list of atomic number to use for building the dense feature matrix computed with calculators of name Spherical* Returns ------- represenation_matrix : ndarray returns the representation bound to the calculator as dense matrix. """ if species is None: X = self.managers.get_features(calculator._representation) else: keys_list = calculator.get_keys(species) X = self.managers.get_features(calculator._representation, keys_list) return X def get_features_gradient(self, calculator, species=None): """ Parameters ------- calculator : Calculator (an object owning a _representation object) species : list of atomic number to use for building the dense feature matrix computed with calculators of name Spherical* Returns ------- dX_dr : ndarray of size (3*(n_neighbor+n_atom), n_features) returns the gradient of representation with respect to the atomic positions that have been computed with the calculator as a dense matrix. The method `get_gradients_info` provides the necessary information for operating on the dX_dr matrix. """ if species is None: X = self.managers.get_features_gradient(calculator._representation, []) else: keys_list = calculator.get_keys(species) X = self.managers.get_features_gradient( calculator._representation, keys_list ) return X def get_features_by_species(self, calculator): """ Parameters ------- calculator : one of the representation calculators named Spherical* Returns ------- representation_matrix : dict of ndarray returns a dictionary associating tuples of atomic numbers sorted alphabetically to the corresponding feature matrices """ return self.managers.get_features_by_species(calculator._representation) def get_gradients_info(self): """ Returns ------- ij : np.array of size (n_neighbor+n_atom, 5) Get informations necessary to the computation of gradients returned by `get_features_gradient`. It has as many rows as as the number gradients and each columns correspond to the index of the atomic structure, central atom, the neighbor atom and their atomic species. """ return self.managers.get_gradients_info() def get_representation_info(self): """ Returns ------- ij : np.array of size (n_atoms, 3) Get informations necessary to the computation of predictions using the representation from `get_features`. It has as many rows as the number representations and they correspond to the index of the structure, the central atom and its atomic species. """ return self.managers.get_representation_info() def get_direction_vectors(self): """ Returns ------- direction_vector : np.array of size (n_neighbor+n_atom, 3) Get the direction vectors from the atoms to their neighbors. """ return self.managers.get_direction_vectors() def get_distances(self): """ Returns ------- distance : np.array of size (n_neighbor+n_atom, 4) Get the distances from the atoms to their neighbors. """ return self.managers.get_distances()
def get_neighbourlist(structure, options): manager = NeighbourListFactory(options) manager.update(**structure) return manager def convert_to_structure_list(frames): """Convert an atomic structure to format used internaly in rascal. Parameters ---------- frames : ase.Atoms or list(ase.Atoms) or list(dict) atomic structure(s) in various formats. Note that the dictionary must be valid structure as per is_valid_structure Returns ------- structure_list : AtomicStructureList """ if isinstance(frames, Atoms): frames = [frames] elif not isinstance(frames, Iterable): raise ValueError("Must pass either an ase.Atoms object or an iterable") structure_list = neighbour_list.AtomicStructureList() for frame in frames: if is_valid_structure(frame): structure = frame else: if is_ase_Atoms(frame): structure = unpack_ase(frame) else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot convert structure of type {}".format(type(frame)) ) structure = sanitize_non_periodic_structure(structure) structure_list.append(**structure) return structure_list def sanitize_non_periodic_structure(structure): """ Rascal expects a unit cell that contains all the atoms even if the structure is not periodic. If the cell is set to 0 and the structure is not periodic then it is adapted to contain the atoms and the atoms are shifted inside the unit cell. Parameters ---------- structure : a valid structure as per is_valid_structure Returns ------- a valid structure as per is_valid_structure cell and positions have been modified if structure is not periodic """ if np.all(structure["pbc"] == 0): cell = structure["cell"] if np.allclose(cell, np.zeros((3, 3))): pos = structure["positions"] bounds = np.array([pos.min(axis=1), pos.max(axis=1)]) bounding_box_lengths = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * 1.05 new_cell = np.diag(bounding_box_lengths) CoM = pos.mean(axis=1) disp = 0.5 * bounding_box_lengths - CoM new_pos = pos + disp[:, None] structure["positions"] = new_pos return structure def is_ase_Atoms(frame): is_ase = True if not hasattr(frame, "get_cell"): is_ase = False if not hasattr(frame, "get_positions"): is_ase = False if not hasattr(frame, "get_atomic_numbers"): is_ase = False if not hasattr(frame, "get_pbc"): is_ase = False return is_ase def unpack_ase(frame, wrap_pos=False): """ Convert ASE Atoms object to rascal's equivalent Parameters ---------- frame : ase.Atoms Atomic structure Returns ------- dict containing the atomic structure informations readily readable by librascal. If the frame has an ase.atoms.arrays entry called 'center_atoms_mask' then it will be used as the center mask (surprise) for any representations computed on this StructureManager. """ cell = frame.get_cell() positions = frame.get_positions() numbers = frame.get_atomic_numbers() pbc = frame.get_pbc().astype(int) if wrap_pos: positions = wrap_positions(positions, cell, frame.get_pbc(), eps=1e-11) if "center_atoms_mask" in frame.arrays.keys(): center_atoms_mask = frame.get_array("center_atoms_mask") else: center_atoms_mask = np.ones_like(numbers, dtype=bool) return adapt_structure( cell=cell, positions=positions, atom_types=numbers, pbc=pbc, center_atoms_mask=center_atoms_mask, )
[docs]def mask_center_atoms_by_id(frame, id_select=None, id_blacklist=None): """Mask the centers (center-select) of an ASE atoms object, by index Parameters ---------- frame: ase.Atoms Atomic structure to mask id_select: list of int List of atom IDs to select id_blacklist: list of int List of atom IDs to exclude Returns ------- None (the Atoms object is modified directly) Notes ----- The default is to select all atoms. If `id_select` is provided, select only those atoms. If only `id_blacklist` is provided, select all atoms *except* those in the blacklist. If both are provided, atoms are first selected based on `id_select` and then excluded based on `id_blacklist`. If the atoms object already has a mask, then `id_select` is applied first using the `or` operation, then `id_blacklist` is applied using the `and not` operation (so the order of precedence is: blacklist, selection, previous mask). This logic allows this function to be combined with `mask_center_atoms_by_species` to allow mixed species/id-based masking. """ if "center_atoms_mask" not in frame.arrays: # add a default mask if id_select is not None: mask = np.zeros((len(frame),), dtype="bool") else: mask = np.ones((len(frame),), dtype="bool") else: mask = frame.arrays["center_atoms_mask"] if id_select is not None: mask[id_select] = True if id_blacklist is not None: mask[id_blacklist] = False frame.arrays["center_atoms_mask"] = mask
[docs]def mask_center_atoms_by_species(frame, species_select=[], species_blacklist=[]): """Mask the centers of an ASE atoms object, by atomic species Parameters ---------- frame: ase.Atoms Atomic structure to mask species_select: list of int or str List of atomic numbers, or species symbols, to select. Should be of consistent type across list. species_blacklist: list of int or str List of atomic numbers, or species symbols, to exclude. Should be of consistent type across list. Returns ------- None (the Atoms object is modified directly) Notes ----- The default is to select all atoms. If `species_select` is provided, select only those atoms whose species is in the list. If only `species_blacklist` is provided, select all atoms *except* those whose species is in the blacklist. If both are provided, atoms are first selected based on `species_select` and then excluded based on `species_blacklist`. If the atoms object already has a mask, then `species_select` is applied first using the `or` operation, then `species_blacklist` is applied using the `and not` operation (so the order of precedence is: blacklist, selection, previous mask). This logic allows this function to be combined with `mask_center_atoms_by_id` to allow mixed species/id-based masking. """ select_is_str = reduce( and_, map(lambda x: isinstance(x, str), species_select), True ) select_is_int = reduce( and_, map(lambda x: isinstance(x, int), species_select), True ) blacklist_is_str = reduce( and_, map(lambda x: isinstance(x, str), species_blacklist), True ) blacklist_is_int = reduce( and_, map(lambda x: isinstance(x, int), species_blacklist), True ) if select_is_str: id_select = np.isin(frame.get_chemical_symbols(), species_select) elif select_is_int: id_select = np.isin(frame.get_atomic_numbers(), species_select) else: raise ValueError("Species select must be either all string or all int") if blacklist_is_str: id_blacklist = np.isin(frame.get_chemical_symbols(), species_blacklist) elif blacklist_is_int: id_blacklist = np.isin(frame.get_atomic_numbers(), species_blacklist) else: raise ValueError("Species blacklist must be either all string or all int") if "center_atoms_mask" not in frame.arrays: # add a default mask if species_select: old_mask = np.zeros((len(frame),), dtype="bool") else: old_mask = np.ones((len(frame),), dtype="bool") else: old_mask = frame.arrays["center_atoms_mask"] # Python's "bitwise" operators do per-element logical operations in NumPy # see for instance mask = (old_mask | id_select) & ~id_blacklist frame.arrays["center_atoms_mask"] = mask