Source code for rascal.representations.spherical_invariants

import json
from itertools import product
import ase

from .base import (

from ..neighbourlist import AtomsList
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from ..utils import BaseIO

def get_power_spectrum_index_mapping(sp_pairs, n_max, l_max):
    feat_idx2coeff_idx = {}
    # i_feat corresponds the global linear index
    i_feat = 0
    for sp_pair, n1, n2, l in product(
        sp_pairs, range(n_max), range(n_max), range(l_max)
        feat_idx2coeff_idx[i_feat] = dict(a=sp_pair[0], b=sp_pair[1], n1=n1, n2=n2, l=l)
        i_feat += 1
    return feat_idx2coeff_idx

[docs]class SphericalInvariants(BaseIO): """ Computes a SphericalInvariants representation, i.e. the SOAP power spectrum. Attributes ---------- interaction_cutoff : float Maximum pairwise distance for atoms to be considered in expansion cutoff_smooth_width : float The distance over which the the interaction is smoothed to zero max_radial : int Number of radial basis functions max_angular : int Highest angular momentum number (l) in the expansion gaussian_sigma_type : str How the Gaussian atom sigmas (smearing widths) are allowed to vary. Only fixed smearing width ('Constant') are implemented. gaussian_sigma_constant : float Specifies the atomic Gaussian widths, in the case where they're fixed. cutoff_function_type : string Choose the type of smooth cutoff function used to define the local environment. Can be either 'ShiftedCosine' or 'RadialScaling'. If 'ShiftedCosine', the functional form of the switching function is: .. math:: sc(r) = \\begin{cases} 1 &r < r_c - sw,\\\\ 0.5 + 0.5 \cos(\pi * (r - r_c + sw) / sw) &r_c - sw < r <= r_c, \\\\ 0 &r_c < r, \\end{cases} where :math:`r_c` is the interaction_cutoff and :math:`sw` is the cutoff_smooth_width. If 'RadialScaling', the functional form of the switching function is as expressed in equation 21 of .. math:: rs(r) = sc(r) u(r), where .. math:: u(r) = \\begin{cases} \\frac{1}{(r/r_0)^m} &\\text{if c=0,}\\\\ 1 &\\text{if m=0,} \\\\ \\frac{c}{c+(r/r_0)^m} &\\text{else}, \\end{cases} where :math:`c` is the rate, :math:`r_0` is the scale, :math:`m` is the exponent. soap_type : string Specifies the type of representation to be computed ("RadialSpectrum", "PowerSpectrum" and "BiSpectrum"). inversion_symmetry : boolean Specifies whether inversion invariance should be enforced. (Only relevant for BiSpectrum.) radial_basis : string Specifies the type of radial basis R_n to be computed ("GTO" for Gaussian typed orbitals and "DVR" discrete variable representation using Gaussian-Legendre quadrature rule) normalize : boolean Whether to normalize so that the kernel between identical environments is 1. Default and highly recommended: True. optimization : dict, default None Optional arguments for optimization of the computation of spherical expansion coefficients. "Spline" and "RadialDimReduction" are available. Spline: Enables cubic splining for the radial basis functions. accuracy : float accuracy of the cubic spline RadialDimReduction: Projection matrices to optimize radial basis, requires Spline to be set projection_matrices : dict Contains or each species a list of projection matrices for each angular channel. A projection matrix for an angular channel has the shape (max_radial, expanded_max_radial). A number of `expanded_max_radial` radial basis are computed to be then projected to `max_radial` radial basis. The projected radial basis is then splined for each species and angular channel Default settings is using spline .. code: python dict(Spline=dict(accuracy=1e-8)) expansion_by_species_method : string Specifies the how the species key of the invariant are set-up. Possible values: 'environment wise', 'user defined', 'structure wise'. The descriptor is computed for each atomic enviroment and it is indexed using tuples of atomic species that are present within the environment. This index is by definition sparse since a species tuple will be non zero only if the atomic species are present inside the environment. 'environment wise' means that each environmental representation will only contain the minimal set of species tuples needed by each atomic environment. 'structure wise' means that within a structure the species tuples will be the same for each environment coefficients. 'user defined' uses global_species to set-up the species tuples. These different settings correspond to different trade-off between the memory efficiency of the invariants and the computational efficiency of the kernel computation. When computing a kernel using 'environment wise' setting does not allow for efficent matrix matrix multiplications which is ensured when 'user defined' is used. 'structure wise' is a balance between the memory footprint and the use of matrix matrix products. Note that the sparsity of the gradient coefficients and their use to build kernels does not allow for clear efficiency gains so their sparsity is kept irrespective of expansion_by_species_method. global_species : list of int list of species (specified with their atomic number) to use to set-up the species key of the invariant. It should contain all the species present in the structure for which invariants will be computed compute_gradients : bool control the computation of the representation's gradients w.r.t. atomic positions. cutoff_function_parameters : dict Additional parameters for the cutoff function. if cutoff_function_type == 'RadialScaling' then it should have the form .. code:: python dict(rate=..., scale=..., exponent=...) where :code:`...` should be replaced by the desired positive float. coefficient_subselection : list or None if None then all the coefficients are computed following max_radial, max_angular and the atomic species present. if :code:`soap_type == 'PowerSpectrum'` and it has the form :code:`{'a': [...], 'b': [...], 'n1': [...], 'n2': [...], 'l': [...]}` where 'a' and 'b' are lists of atomic species, 'n1' and 'n2' are lists of radial expension indices and 'l' is the list of spherical expansion index. Each of these lists have the same size and their ith element refers to one PowerSpectrum coefficient that will be computed. :class:`..utils.FPSFilter` and :class:`..utils.CURFilter` with `act_on` set to `feature` output such dictionary. Methods ------- transform(frames) Compute the representation for a list of ase.Atoms object. .. [soap] Bartók, Kondor, and Csányi, "On representing chemical environments", Phys. Rev. B. 87(18), p. 184115 """ def __init__( self, interaction_cutoff, cutoff_smooth_width, max_radial, max_angular, gaussian_sigma_type, gaussian_sigma_constant=0.3, cutoff_function_type="ShiftedCosine", soap_type="PowerSpectrum", inversion_symmetry=True, radial_basis="GTO", normalize=True, optimization=None, optimization_args=None, expansion_by_species_method="environment wise", global_species=None, compute_gradients=False, cutoff_function_parameters=dict(), coefficient_subselection=None, ): """Construct a SphericalExpansion representation Required arguments are all the hyperparameters named in the class documentation """ = "sphericalinvariants" self.hypers = dict() if global_species is None: global_species = [] elif not isinstance(global_species, list): global_species = list(global_species) self.update_hyperparameters( max_radial=max_radial, max_angular=max_angular, soap_type=soap_type, normalize=normalize, inversion_symmetry=inversion_symmetry, expansion_by_species_method=expansion_by_species_method, global_species=global_species, compute_gradients=compute_gradients, coefficient_subselection=coefficient_subselection, ) if self.hypers["coefficient_subselection"] is None: del self.hypers["coefficient_subselection"] self.cutoff_function_parameters = deepcopy(cutoff_function_parameters) cutoff_function_parameters.update( interaction_cutoff=interaction_cutoff, cutoff_smooth_width=cutoff_smooth_width, ) cutoff_function = cutoff_function_dict_switch( cutoff_function_type, **cutoff_function_parameters ) gaussian_density = dict( type=gaussian_sigma_type, gaussian_sigma=dict(value=gaussian_sigma_constant, unit="AA"), ) optimization = check_optimization_for_spherical_representations( optimization, optimization_args ) radial_contribution = dict(type=radial_basis, optimization=optimization) self.update_hyperparameters( cutoff_function=cutoff_function, gaussian_density=gaussian_density, radial_contribution=radial_contribution, ) if soap_type == "RadialSpectrum": self.update_hyperparameters(max_angular=0) self.nl_options = [ dict(name="centers", args=[]), dict(name="neighbourlist", args=dict(cutoff=interaction_cutoff)), dict(name="centercontribution", args=dict()), dict(name="strict", args=dict(cutoff=interaction_cutoff)), ] self.rep_options = dict(, args=[self.hypers]) self._representation = CalculatorFactory(self.rep_options)
[docs] def update_hyperparameters(self, **hypers): """Store the given dict of hyperparameters Also updates the internal json-like representation """ allowed_keys = { "interaction_cutoff", "cutoff_smooth_width", "max_radial", "max_angular", "gaussian_sigma_type", "gaussian_sigma_constant", "soap_type", "inversion_symmetry", "cutoff_function", "normalize", "gaussian_density", "radial_contribution", "cutoff_function_parameters", "expansion_by_species_method", "compute_gradients", "global_species", "coefficient_subselection", } hypers_clean = {key: hypers[key] for key in hypers if key in allowed_keys} self.hypers.update(hypers_clean) return
[docs] def transform(self, frames): """Compute the representation. Parameters ---------- frames : list(ase.Atoms) or AtomsList List of atomic structures. Returns ------- AtomsList : Object containing the representation """ if not isinstance(frames, AtomsList): frames = AtomsList(frames, self.nl_options) self._representation.compute(frames.managers) return frames
[docs] def get_num_coefficients(self, n_species=1): """Return the number of coefficients in the spherical invariants (this is the descriptor size per atomic centre) """ return self._representation.get_num_coefficients(n_species)
[docs] def get_keys(self, species): """ return the proper list of keys used to build the representation """ keys = [] if self.hypers["soap_type"] == "RadialSpectrum": for sp in species: keys.append([sp]) elif self.hypers["soap_type"] == "PowerSpectrum": for sp1 in species: for sp2 in species: if sp1 > sp2: continue keys.append([sp1, sp2]) elif self.hypers["soap_type"] == "BiSpectrum": for sp1 in species: for sp2 in species: if sp1 > sp2: continue for sp3 in species: if sp2 > sp3: continue keys.append([sp1, sp2, sp3]) else: raise ValueError( "Only soap_type = RadialSpectrum || " "PowerSpectrum || BiSpectrum " "implemented for now" ) return keys
def get_feature_index_mapping(self, managers): species = [] for ii in range(len(managers)): manager = managers[ii] if isinstance(manager, ase.Atoms): species.extend(manager.get_atomic_numbers()) elif isinstance(managers, AtomsList): for center in manager: sp = center.atom_type species.append(sp) u_species = np.unique(species) sp_pairs = self.get_keys(u_species) n_max = self.hypers["max_radial"] l_max = self.hypers["max_angular"] + 1 if self.hypers["soap_type"] == "PowerSpectrum": feature_index_mapping = get_power_spectrum_index_mapping( sp_pairs, n_max, l_max ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only soap_type = " "PowerSpectrum " "implemented for now" ) return feature_index_mapping def _get_init_params(self): gaussian_density = self.hypers["gaussian_density"] cutoff_function = self.hypers["cutoff_function"] radial_contribution = self.hypers["radial_contribution"] init_params = dict( interaction_cutoff=cutoff_function["cutoff"]["value"], cutoff_smooth_width=cutoff_function["smooth_width"]["value"], max_radial=self.hypers["max_radial"], max_angular=self.hypers["max_angular"], soap_type=self.hypers["soap_type"], inversion_symmetry=self.hypers["inversion_symmetry"], normalize=self.hypers["normalize"], expansion_by_species_method=self.hypers["expansion_by_species_method"], global_species=self.hypers["global_species"], compute_gradients=self.hypers["compute_gradients"], gaussian_sigma_type=gaussian_density["type"], gaussian_sigma_constant=gaussian_density["gaussian_sigma"]["value"], cutoff_function_type=cutoff_function["type"], radial_basis=radial_contribution["type"], optimization=radial_contribution["optimization"], cutoff_function_parameters=self.cutoff_function_parameters, ) if "coefficient_subselection" in self.hypers: init_params["coefficient_subselection"] = self.hypers[ "coefficient_subselection" ] return init_params def _set_data(self, data): super()._set_data(data) def _get_data(self): return super()._get_data()