How to write a test

Every feature (e.g., functions, class methods and constructors, algorithms) needs its own unit test. Unit tests serve two main purposes, on the one hand, they allow test-driven development (I.e., you define a test case and your expected results, then develop your feature. Once you replicate the expected results, your feature is ready) and on the other hand, they help catching regressions, especially in combination with the continuous integration server (It runs all test cases after every commit, and complains if the change causes any of them to fail.

Rascal uses the boost unit testing framework for unit tests of the C++ core library and unittest module of the Python standard library for Python binding tests.

It is instructive to go through the documentations and tutorials for both testing frameworks for details, as the following examples only serve as pointers in the right direction.

Writing a Boost test

Tests can be added to any of the test_*.cc files in the tests folder, or you can add a new file containing tests in a new file, as long as it follows the pattern test_*.cc (after adding a new file, you will have to run cmake . in the build folder for CMake to pick up the modification).

A test file needs to have the following structure:

#include "tests.hh"

namespace rascal {

  ... // test cases go here

} // rascal

Any test case in such a file will be added to Rascal' main test suite. It is recommended to group test cases that logically belong together in sub test suites using the BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE macro. Imagine we write a new sub-suite called tutorial_test

#include "tests.hh"

namespace rascal {


  ... // test cases go here


} // rascal

The most used types of test cases will very likely be BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (for straight-forward test cases that do not share common code with other test cases) and BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE (for testing more involved features which require a setup phase and are parametrised by template parameters, see Fixtures for a detailed discussion)


This is as simple as running some function from the library and checking the results with BOOST_TEST (here), e.g.:

#include "tests.hh"
#include "module.hh"

namespace rascal {


    BOOST_TEST(f(12) == 2, "Should have been 2");


} // rascal


While the previous example was simple, it was also very limited. Frequently, we wish to test multiple properties and methods of an initialised class or data structure, and will do so for multiple template parameters. The following very contrived example creates a so-called templated test fixture, defines a list of template instantiations that we wish to test, and runs the test cases on each member of the list.

#include "tests.hh"
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>

namespace rascal {


  // creation of the test fixture. In practice, this structure would
  // contain data members (here `int val`) that correspond to some data
  // structure of rascal. The constructor (which is required to be a
  // *default constructor*, i.e., without parameters) initialises the
  template <int Dim>
  struct DemoTestFixture {

    static constexpr int dim(){return Dim;}


    int val;

  // create a list of template instantiations to test:
  using fixtures = boost::mpl::list<DemoTestFixture<2>,

  // declare a fixture test using the list
    templated_basic_fixture_test, Fix, fixtures, Fix) {
    BOOST_TEST(Fix::val == Fix::dim());


} // rascal

Writing a binding test

Similarly to the library tests, binding tests can be added to any of the python_*.py files in the tests folder, or you can add a new file containing tests in a new file, as long as it follows the pattern python_*.py (after adding a new file, you will have to run cmake . in the build folder for CMake to pick up the modification). Furthermore, if you add a new file (say,, you will have to import it in the main python test file

import python_tutorial_test

The basic unit test tool in Python’s unittest module is the unittest.TestCase class. New test cases need to inherit from it, define a test case initialisation method setUp(self) and one or more test methods test_*(self). Say we create a new test case to test the distance matrix calculation function cdist:

import unittest
import numpy as np
from python_import_rascal import _rascal as pt

class TestCdist(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """builds the test case. we'll use it to create the matrices
        coordinate matrices A and B between which we wish to compute
        the distances

        self.A = np.array([[0., 0.],
                           [1., 0.],
                           [2., 0.]])
        nb_A = self.A.shape[0]
        self.B = np.array([[0., 1.],
                           [1., 1.]])
        nb_B = self.B.shape[0]

        # the distance matrix is trivial to compute:

        self.dists_ref = np.empty([nb_A, nb_B])

        for i in range(nb_A):
            for j in range(nb_B):
                self.dists_ref[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(
                    self.A[i, :] - self.B[j, :])

    def test_cdist(self):
        """feeds the matrices A and B to rascal' cdist function and compares
        the results to the local reference dist_ref
        dists = pt.cdist(self.A, self.B)

        error = np.linalg.norm(dists-self.dists_ref)
        tol = 1e-10
        self.assertLessEqual(error, tol)

Testing gradients

All representations in libRascal should plan to implement gradients (derivatives w.r.t. the Cartesian positions of all the atoms) so that they can be used to run dynamics. This is often a complex and error-prone task, so a finite-difference gradient checker is provided to check the gradients of any representation calculator – or any mathematical function in general – and ensure that the analytical and finite-difference gradients match up.

To check the gradient of a new representation calculator, it should suffice to use the classes RepresentationCalculatorGradientProvider (to provide the function and its gradient) and RepresentationCalculatorGradientFixture (to assist in iterating over the atoms of the structure). An example of its usage is shown below, excerpted from tests/

RepresentationCalculatorGradientProvider<typename Fix::Representation_t,
                                         typename Fix::Manager_t>
    provider(representations.back(), manager, structures.back());
RepresentationCalculatorGradientFixture<typename Fix::Representation_t,
                                        typename Fix::Manager_t>
             manager, provider);
do {
  test_gradients(grad_fix.get_provider(), grad_fix);
} while (grad_fix.has_next());

where representations.back() is a RepresentationCalculator, manager is a StructureManager, and structures.back() is the AtomicStructure associated with that manager.

A more detailed documentation of these two classes follows:

template<typename Calculator, class StructureManager>
class RepresentationCalculatorGradientProvider

Gradient provider specialized to testing the gradient of a Calculator

The gradient is tested center-by-center, by iterating over each center and doing finite displacements on its position. This iteration should normally be done by the RepresentationCalculatorGradientFixture class.

In the case of periodic structures, the gradient is accumulated only onto real atoms, but the motion of all images of the “moving” atom (the one with respect to which the gradient is being taken) is taken into account.

Initialize with a Calculator, a StructureManager, and an AtomicStructure representing the original structure (before modifying with finite-difference displacements). The gradient of the representation with respect to the center position can then be tested, as usual, with test_gradients() (defined in test_math.hh).

template<typename Calculator, class StructureManager>
class rascal::RepresentationCalculatorGradientFixture : public rascal::GradientTestFixture

Test fixture holding the gradient calculator and structure manager

Holds data (function values, gradient directions, verbosity) and iterates through the list of centers

Public Functions

inline RepresentationCalculatorGradientFixture(std::string filename, std::shared_ptr<StructureManager> structure, Provider_t &calc)

Initialize a gradient test fixture

  • filename – JSON file holding gradient test parameters, format documented in GradientTestFixture

  • structure – StructureManager on which to test

  • calc – RepresentationCalculator whose gradient is being tested

inline void advance_center()

Go to the next center in the structure

Not (yet) implemented as iterator because that overcomplicates things

Public Members

double fd_error_tol = {1E-4}

Increased error tolerance because some representations have quite large finite-difference truncation errors (and possibly numerical issues for very small displacements)

For testing the gradient of arbitrary functions \(f: \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n\), the function test_gradients() is provided:

template<typename FunctionProvider_t, typename TestFixture_t>
void rascal::test_gradients(FunctionProvider_t function_calculator, TestFixture_t params)

Numerically verify that a given function and its gradient are consistent

The function_calculator object may be of any type, as long as it provides two functions, f() and grad_f(), to calculate the function and its gradient (derivative for functions with one input, Jacobian for functions with multiple outputs - the output dimension is expected to correspond to columns). Both functions must accept an Eigen::Vector, corresponding to the function input, of dimension determined in the data file (read by GradientTestFixture). This function additionally guarantees that f() will be called before grad_f() with the same input.


If the functions f() and grad_f() are designed to accept fixed-size vectors (i.e. if the size of the argument is known at compile time), be sure to define, in the FunctionProvider class, a constexpr static size_t n_arguments member with the size of the argument vector. This will ensure that the gradient tester uses the corresponding fixed-size Eigen vectors/matrices as inputs.

  • function_calculator – An object that provides both the function and its gradient

  • params – Test fixture object, e.g a GradientTestFixture or something providing the same information (i.e. function_inputs, displacement_directions, n_arguments, and verbosity)

An example generalized gradient test fixture is provided by GradientTestFixture:

class rascal::GradientTestFixture

Fixture for testing the gradient of a real function of N real arguments

(Verifies that the gradient is the same as the converged value of the finite-difference approximation along the given directions)

Parameters should be provided in a JSON input file, as follows:

  • function_inputs – List of vectors of function arguments at which to test the gradient

  • direction_mode – How the finite-difference directions are specified; options are “Cartesian” (once along each independent argument), “Random” (exactly what it says on the tin), and “Provided” (given in input file, see below)

  • displacement_directions – List of vectors along which to displace the inputs, in case “direction_mode” is “Provided”.

  • verbosity – Level of verbosity to use when printing test info, as string (“NORMAL”, “INFO”, or “DEBUG”)

Subclassed by rascal::RepresentationCalculatorGradientFixture< Calculator, StructureManager >

Public Types

enum VerbosityValue

Levels of verbosity for the gradient test


enumerator NORMAL

Print nothing

enumerator INFO

Print one line of info for each gradient step

enumerator DEBUG

Print as much as possible

Public Members

double fd_error_tol = {1E-6}

The error of the finite-difference against the analytical derivatives isn’t going to be arbitrarily small, due to the interaction of finite-difference and finite precision effects. The default here reflects this, while allowing different tests to change it &#8212; keeping in mind that the automated test is really more intended to be a sanity check on the implementation than a rigorous convergence test.

Running the tests

All tests are automatically compiled if BUILD_TESTS is set to ON with CMake. After building librascal, you can execute all tests by running ctest --output-on-failure in the build folder.

Using Valgrind to check for memory errors

Valgrind is a collection of tools to instrument and analyse the execution of pre-compiled binaries. Here, we are interested in the memcheck tool, that performs memory-related checks on the code: memory leaks, and invalid read and writes (i.e. buffer overrun). Valgrind works by intercepting calls to malloc/free (and thus new/delete) to check that every malloc is followed by a free.

You can run librascal tests using Valgrind to check for memory errors by configuring cmake with RASCAL_TESTS_USE_VALGRIND=ON. Then, running ctest will execute all C++ tests with Valgrind.