.. _potentials: Potentials ########### The :class:`torchpme.Potential` class defines an API for general pair potentials, that implement methods computing the different terms needed for a range-separated calculator. In other terms, a full implementation of the API computes short-range and long-range potentials as a function of the interatomic distance, as well as the radial Fourier transform of the long-range contribution, that is needed to compute the potential with k-space methods. The most common potentials are the :class:`torchpme.CoulombPotential`` and the :class:`torchpme.InversePowerLawPotential` but ``torch-pme`` also provides additional potentials for more specialized purposes, or to implement long-range architectures that go beyond physics-based modeling. Implemented Potentials ---------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: ./*