
class torchpme.Calculator(potential: Potential, full_neighbor_list: bool = False, prefactor: float = 1.0)[source]

Base calculator for the torch interface. Based on a Potential class, it computes the value of a potential by either directly summing over neighbor atoms, or by combining a local part computed in real space, and a long-range part computed in the Fourier domain. The class can be used directly to evaluate the real-space part of the potential, or subclassed providing a strategy to evalate the long-range contribution in k-space (see e.g. PMECalculator or EwaldCalculator). NB: typically a subclass should only provide an implementation of Calculator._compute_kspace().

  • potential (Potential) – a Potential class object containing the functions that are necessary to compute the various components of the potential, as well as the parameters that determine the behavior of the potential itself.

  • full_neighbor_list (bool) – parameter indicating whether the neighbor information will come from a full (True) or half (False, default) neighbor list.

  • prefactor (float) – electrostatics prefactor; see Prefactors for details and common values.

forward(charges: Tensor, cell: Tensor, positions: Tensor, neighbor_indices: Tensor, neighbor_distances: Tensor)[source]

Compute the potential “energy”.

It is calculated as

\[V_i = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j} q_j\,v(r_{ij})\]

where \(v(r)\) is the pair potential defined by the potential parameter and \(q_j\) are atomic “charges” (corresponding to the electrostatic charge when using a Coulomb potential).

If the smearing of the potential is not set, the calculator evaluates only the real-space part of the potential. Otherwise, provided that the calculator implements a _compute_kspace method, it will also evaluate the long-range part using a Fourier-domain method.

  • charges (Tensor) – torch.Tensor, atomic (pseudo-)charges

  • cell (Tensor) – torch.Tensor, periodic supercell for the system

  • positions (Tensor) – torch.Tensor, Cartesian coordinates of the particles within the supercell.

  • neighbor_indices (Tensor) – torch.Tensor with the i,j indices of neighbors for which the potential should be computed in real space.

  • neighbor_distances (Tensor) – torch.Tensor with the pair distances of the neighbors for which the potential should be computed in real space.

Examples using torchpme.Calculator

Computations with Multiple Charge Channels

Computations with Multiple Charge Channels

Advanced neighbor list usage

Advanced neighbor list usage

Computing LODE descriptors

Computing LODE descriptors

Optimizing a linear combination of potentials

Optimizing a linear combination of potentials

Atomistic model for molecular dynamics

Atomistic model for molecular dynamics