Mesh Interpolator

class torchpme.lib.MeshInterpolator(cell: Tensor, ns_mesh: Tensor, interpolation_nodes: int, method: str)[source]

Class for handling all steps related to interpolations in the context of a mesh based Ewald summation.

In particular, this includes two core functionalities: 1. “forwards” interpolation, in which the “charges” or more general “particle weights” of atoms are assigned to grid points of a mesh. This is done in the points_to_mesh() function. 2. “backwards” interpolation, in which values defined on a mesh are interpolated to arbitrary positions typically lying between mesh points. This is done in the mesh_to_points() function.

Since the computation of the interpolation weights for both of the above types of calculations is identical, this is performed in a separate function called compute_weights().

See also the Examples of the MeshInterpolator class for a demonstration of the functionalities of this class.

  • cell (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (3, 3), where cell[i] is the i-th basis vector of the unit cell

  • ns_mesh (Tensor) – toch.tensor of shape (3,) Number of mesh points to use along each of the three axes

  • interpolation_nodes (int) – int The number n of nodes used in the interpolation per coordinate axis. The total number of interpolation nodes in 3D will be n^3. In general, for n nodes, the interpolation will be performed by piecewise polynomials of degree n - 1 (e.g. n = 4 for cubic interpolation). For Lagrange interpolation, only the values 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are supported. For P3M interpolation, only the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are supported.

  • method (str) – str The interpolation method to use. Either “Lagrange” or “P3M”.

update(cell: Tensor | None = None, ns_mesh: Tensor | None = None) None[source]

Update buffers and derived attributes of the instance.

Call this to reuse a MeshInterpolator object when the cell parameters or the mesh resolution changes. If neither cell nor ns_mesh are passed there is nothing to be done.

  • cell (Tensor | None) – torch.tensor of shape (3, 3), where cell[i] is the i-th basis vector of the unit cell

  • ns_mesh (Tensor | None) – toch.tensor of shape (3,) Number of mesh points to use along each of the three axes

Return type:


get_mesh_xyz() Tensor[source]

Returns the Cartesian positions of the mesh points.


torch.tensor of shape (nx, ny, nz, 3) containing the positions of the grid points

Return type:


compute_weights(positions: Tensor)[source]

Compute the interpolation weights of each atom for a given cell (specified during initialization of this class). The weights are not returned, but are used when calling the forward (points_to_mesh()) and backward (mesh_to_points()) interpolation functions.


positions (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (N, 3) Absolute positions of atoms in Cartesian coordinates

points_to_mesh(particle_weights: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Generate a discretized density from interpolation weights. It assumes that compute_weights() has been called before to compute all the necessary weights and indices.


particle_weights (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (n_points, n_channels) particle_weights[i,a] is the weight (charge) that point (atom) i has to generate the “a-th” potential. In practice, this can be used to compute e.g. the Na and Cl contributions to the potential separately by using a one-hot encoding of the types.


torch.tensor of shape (n_channels, n_mesh, n_mesh, n_mesh) Discrete density

Return type:


mesh_to_points(mesh_vals: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Take a function defined on a mesh and interpolate its values on arbitrary positions.


mesh_vals (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (n_channels, nx, ny, nz) The tensor contains the values of a function evaluated on a three-dimensional mesh. (nx, ny, nz) are the number of points along each of the three directions, while n_channels provides the number of such functions that are treated simulateously for the present system.


interpolated_values: torch.tensor of shape (n_points, n_channels) Values of the interpolated function.

Return type:


Examples using torchpme.lib.MeshInterpolator

Examples of the MeshInterpolator class

Examples of the MeshInterpolator class

Examples of the KSpaceFilter class

Examples of the KSpaceFilter class

Custom models with automatic differentiation

Custom models with automatic differentiation

Splined potentials

Splined potentials

Computing LODE descriptors

Computing LODE descriptors