Go to the end to download the full example code.
Computations with Multiple Charge Channels¶
In a physical system, the (electrical) charge is a scalar atomic property, and besides
the distance between the particles, the charge defines the electrostatic potential. When
computing a potential with Meshlode, you can not only pass a (reshaped) 1-D array
containing the charges to the compute
method of calculators, but you can also pass a
2-D array containing multiple charges per atom. Meshlode will then calculate one
potential per so-called charge-channel. For the standard electrostatic potential, the
number of charge channels is 1. Additional charge channels are especially useful in a
machine learning task where, for example, one wants to create one potential for each
species in an atomistic system using a so-called one-hot encoding of charges.
Here, we will demonstrate how to use the ability of multiple charge channels for a CsCl crystal, where we will cover both the Torch and Metatensor interfaces of Meshlode.
Torch Version¶
First, we will work with the Torch version of Meshlode. This involves using PyTorch for tensor operations and ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment) for creating and manipulating atomic structures.
import torch
import vesin.torch
import vesin.torch.metatensor
from metatensor.torch import Labels, TensorBlock, TensorMap
from metatensor.torch.atomistic import NeighborListOptions, System
import torchpme
from torchpme.tuning import tune_pme
dtype = torch.float64
Create the properties CsCl unit cell
symbols = ("Cs", "Cl")
types = torch.tensor([55, 17])
charges = torch.tensor([[1.0], [-1.0]], dtype=dtype)
positions = torch.tensor([(0, 0, 0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)], dtype=dtype)
cell = torch.eye(3, dtype=dtype)
pbc = torch.tensor([True, True, True])
Based on our system we will first tune the PME parameters for an accurate computation.
The sum_squared_charges
is equal to 2.0
becaue each atom either has a charge
of 1 or -1 in units of elementary charges.
cutoff = 4.4
nl = vesin.torch.NeighborList(cutoff=cutoff, full_list=False)
neighbor_indices, neighbor_distances = nl.compute(, device="cpu"),, device="cpu"),
smearing, pme_params, _ = tune_pme(
The tuning found the following best values for our system.
print("smearing:", smearing)
print("PME parameters:", pme_params)
print("cutoff:", cutoff)
smearing: 1.1069526756106463
PME parameters: {'interpolation_nodes': 3, 'mesh_spacing': 0.2857142857142857}
cutoff: 4.4
Based on the system we compute the corresponding half neighbor list using vesin and rearrange the results to be suitable for the calculations below.
nl = vesin.torch.NeighborList(cutoff=cutoff, full_list=False)
neighbor_indices, S, D, neighbor_distances = nl.compute(
points=positions, box=cell, periodic=True, quantities="PSDd"
Next, we initialize the PMECalculator
calculator with an exponent
1 for electrostatic interactions between the two atoms. This calculator
will be used to compute the potential energy of the system.
calculator = torchpme.PMECalculator(
torchpme.CoulombPotential(smearing=smearing), **pme_params
(potential): CoulombPotential()
(kspace_filter): KSpaceFilter(
(kernel): CoulombPotential()
(mesh_interpolator): MeshInterpolator()
Single Charge Channel¶
As a first application of multiple charge channels, we start simply by using the classic definition of one charge channel per atom.
charges = torch.tensor([[1.0], [-1.0]], dtype=dtype)
Any input the calculators has to be a 2D array where the rows describe the number of
atoms (here (2)
) and the columns the number of atomic charge channels (here
torch.Size([2, 1])
Calculate the potential using the PMECalculator calculator
potential = calculator(
We find a potential that is close to the Madelung constant of a CsCl crystal which is \(2 \cdot 1.76267 / \sqrt{3} \approx 2.0354\).
print(charges.T @ potential)
tensor([[-2.0354]], dtype=torch.float64)
Species-wise One-Hot Encoded Charges¶
Now we will compute the potential with multiple channels for the charges. We will use
one channel per species and set the charges to 1 if the atomic symbol
fits the
correct channel. This is called one-hot encoding for each species.
One-hot encoding is a powerful technique in machine learning where categorical data is converted into a binary vector representation. Each category is represented by a vector with all elements set to zero except for the index corresponding to that category, which is set to one. This allows the model to easily distinguish between different categories without imposing any ordinal relationship between them. In the context of molecular systems, one-hot encoding can be used to represent different atomic species as separate charge channels, enabling the calculation of species-specific potentials and facilitating the learning process for machine learning algorithms.
charges_one_hot = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]], dtype=dtype)
While in charges
there was only one row, charges_one_hot
contains two rows
where the first one corresponds to the Na channel and the second one to the Cl
channel. Consequently, the charge of the Na atom in the Cl channel at index (0,1)
of the charges_one_hot
is zero as well as the (1,0)
which corresponds to the
charge of Cl in the Na channel.
We now again calculate the potential using the same PMECalculator
using the charges_one_hot
as input.
Note that the potential has the same shape as the input charges, but there is a finite potential on the position of the Cl in the Na channel.
tensor([[-1.4191, -0.4014],
[-0.4014, -1.4191]], dtype=torch.float64)
From the potential we can recover the Madelung as above by summing the charge channel contribution multiplying by the actual partial charge of the atoms.
charge_Na = 1.0
charge_Cl = -1.0
print(charge_Na * potential_one_hot[0] + charge_Cl * potential_one_hot[1])
tensor([-1.0177, 1.0177], dtype=torch.float64)
Metatensor Version¶
Next, we will perform the same exercise with the Metatensor interface. This involves creating a new calculator with the metatensor interface.
calculator_metatensor = torchpme.metatensor.PMECalculator(
torchpme.CoulombPotential(smearing=smearing), **pme_params
(_calculator): PMECalculator(
(potential): CoulombPotential()
(kspace_filter): KSpaceFilter(
(kernel): CoulombPotential()
(mesh_interpolator): MeshInterpolator()
Computation with metatensor involves using Metatensor’s System
class. The System
stores atomic types
, and cell
For our calculations, the parameter types
passed to a System
is redundant;
it will not be directly used to calculate the potential as the potential depends
only on the charge of the atom, NOT on the atom’s type. However, we still have to
pass them because it is an obligatory parameter to build the System class.
We now compute the neighborlist for our system
using the vesin metatensor
interface. This requires creating a
to set
the cutoff and the type of list.
options = NeighborListOptions(cutoff=4.0, full_list=True, strict=False)
nl_mts = vesin.torch.metatensor.NeighborList(options, length_unit="Angstrom")
neighbors = nl_mts.compute(system)
Now the system
is ready to be used inside the calculators
Single Charge Channel¶
For the metatensor branch, charges of the atoms are defined in a tensor format and
attached to the system as a TensorBlock
Create a TensorMap
for the charges
block = TensorBlock(
samples=Labels.range("atom", charges.shape[0]),
properties=Labels.range("charge", charges.shape[1]),
tensor = TensorMap(
keys=Labels("_", torch.zeros(1, 1, dtype=torch.int32)), blocks=[block]
Add the charges data to the system
system.add_data(name="charges", tensor=tensor)
We now calculate the potential using the MetaPMECalculator calculator
potential_metatensor = calculator_metatensor.forward(system, neighbors)
/home/runner/work/torch-pme/torch-pme/src/torchpme/metatensor/ UserWarning: custom data 'charges' is experimental, please contact metatensor's developers to add this data as a member of the `System` class (Triggered internally at /project/metatensor-torch/src/atomistic/system.cpp:866.)
charge_tensor = system.get_data("charges")
The calculated potential is wrapped inside a TensorMap
and annotated with metadata of the computation.
TensorMap with 1 blocks
keys: _
The tensorMap has 1 TensorBlock
and the
values of the potential are stored in the values
[ 1.6768]], dtype=torch.float64)
The values
are the same results as for the torch interface shown above
The metadata associated with the TensorBlock
tells us that we have 2 samples
which are our two atoms and 1 property which corresponds to one charge channel.
samples (2): ['system', 'atom']
components (): []
properties (1): ['charges_channel']
gradients: None
If you want to inspect the metadata in more detail, you can access the
using the
and potential_metatensor[0].samples
Species-wise One-Hot Encoded Charges¶
We now create new charges data based on the species-wise charges_one_hot
overwrite the system
’s charges data using override=True
when applying the
block_one_hot = TensorBlock(
samples=Labels.range("atom", charges_one_hot.shape[0]),
properties=Labels.range("charge", charges_one_hot.shape[1]),
tensor_one_hot = TensorMap(
keys=Labels("_", torch.zeros(1, 1, dtype=torch.int32)), blocks=[block_one_hot]
Add the charges data to the system. We use the override=True
to overwrite the
already existing charge data from above.
system.add_data(name="charges", tensor=tensor_one_hot, override=True)
Finally, we calculate the potential using calculator_metatensor
potential = calculator_metatensor.forward(system, neighbors)
And as above, the values of the potential are the same.
tensor([[1.3674, 3.0442],
[3.0442, 1.3674]], dtype=torch.float64)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.120 seconds)