- class torchpme.lib.CubicSpline(x_points: Tensor, y_points: Tensor)[source]¶
Cubic spline calculator.
Class implementing a cubic spline for a real-valued function.
- Parameters:
- class torchpme.lib.CubicSplineReciprocal(x_points: Tensor, y_points: Tensor, y_at_zero: Tensor | None = None)[source]¶
Reciprocal-axis cubic spline calculator.
Computes a spline on a \(1/x\) grid, “extending” it so that it converges smoothly to zero as \(x\rightarrow\infty\). The function parameters are still provided as (x,y) points, but the interpolation is performed internally using \(1/x\), so the radial grid should only contain strictly-positive values.
- Parameters:
x_points (Tensor) – Abscissas of the splining points for the real-space function. Must be strictly larger than zero. It is recommended for the smaller value to be much smaller than the minimum expected distance between atoms.
y_points (Tensor) – Ordinates of the splining points for the real-space function
y_at_zero (Tensor | None) – Value to be returned when called for an argument of zero. Also uses a direct interpolation to “fill in the blanks”. Defaults to the value of
- torchpme.lib.compute_second_derivatives(x_points: Tensor, y_points: Tensor)[source]¶
Computes second derivatives given the grid points of a cubic spline.
- torchpme.lib.compute_spline_ft(k_points: Tensor, x_points: Tensor, y_points: Tensor, d2y_points: Tensor)[source]¶
Computes the Fourier transform of a splined radial function.
Evaluates the integral
\[\hat{f}(k) =4\pi\int \mathrm{d}r \frac{\sin k r}{k} r f(r)\]where \(f(r)\) is expressed as a cubic spline. The function also includes a tail correction to continue the integral beyond the last splined point, assuming that the function converges to zero at infinity.
- Parameters:
k_points (Tensor) – Points on which the Fourier kernel should be computed. It is a good idea to take them to be \(2\pi/x\) based on the real-space
x_points (Tensor) – Abscissas of the splining points for the real-space function
y_points (Tensor) – Ordinates of the splining points for the real-space function
d2y_points (Tensor) – Second derivatives for the spline points
- Returns:
The radial Fourier transform \(\hat{f}(k)\) computed at the