Tune Ewald

The tuning is based on the following error formulas:

\[\Delta F_\mathrm{real} \approx \frac{Q^2}{\sqrt{N}} \frac{2}{\sqrt{r_{\text{cutoff}} V}} e^{-r_{\text{cutoff}}^2 / 2 \sigma^2}\]
\[\Delta F_\mathrm{Fourier}^\mathrm{Ewald} \approx \frac{Q^2}{\sqrt{N}} \frac{\sqrt{2} / \sigma}{\pi\sqrt{2 V / h}} e^{-2\pi^2 \sigma^2 / h ^ 2}\]

where \(N\) is the number of charges, \(Q^2 = \sum_{i = 1}^N q_i^2\), is the sum of squared charges, \(r_{\text{cutoff}}\) is the short-range cutoff, \(V\) is the volume of the simulation box and \(h^2\) is the long range wavelength.

torchpme.tuning.tune_ewald(charges: Tensor, cell: Tensor, positions: Tensor, cutoff: float, neighbor_indices: Tensor, neighbor_distances: Tensor, full_neighbor_list: bool = False, prefactor: float = 1.0, exponent: int = 1, ns_lo: int = 1, ns_hi: int = 14, accuracy: float = 0.001) tuple[float, dict[str, Any], float][source]

Find the optimal parameters for torchpme.EwaldCalculator.


The torchpme.tuning.ewald.EwaldErrorBounds.forward() method takes floats as the input, in order to be in consistency with the rest of the package – these parameters are always float but not torch.Tensor. This design, however, prevents the utilization of torch.autograd and other torch features. To take advantage of these features, one can use the torchpme.tuning.ewald.EwaldErrorBounds.err_rspace() and torchpme.tuning.ewald.EwaldErrorBounds.err_kspace(), which takes torch.Tensor as parameters.

  • charges (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (len(positions, 1)) containing the atomic (pseudo-)charges

  • cell (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (3, 3), where cell[i] is the i-th basis vector of the unit cell

  • positions (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the Cartesian coordinates of the N particles within the supercell.

  • cutoff (float) – float, cutoff distance for the neighborlist

  • exponent (int) – \(p\) in \(1/r^p\) potentials, currently only \(p=1\) is supported

  • neighbor_indices (Tensor) – torch.tensor with the i,j indices of neighbors for which the potential should be computed in real space.

  • neighbor_distances (Tensor) – torch.tensor with the pair distances of the neighbors for which the potential should be computed in real space.

  • full_neighbor_list (bool) – If set to True, a “full” neighbor list is expected as input. This means that each atom pair appears twice. If set to False, a “half” neighbor list is expected.

  • prefactor (float) – electrostatics prefactor; see Prefactors for details and common values.

  • ns_lo (int) – Minimum number of spatial resolution along each axis

  • ns_hi (int) – Maximum number of spatial resolution along each axis

  • accuracy (float) – Recomended values for a balance between the accuracy and speed is \(10^{-3}\). For more accurate results, use \(10^{-6}\).


Tuple containing a float of the optimal smearing for the :class: CoulombPotential, and a dictionary with the parameters for EwaldCalculator, and the timing of this set of parameters.

Return type:

tuple[float, dict[str, Any], float]


>>> import torch
>>> positions = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4]])
>>> charges = torch.tensor([[1.0], [-1.0]])
>>> cell = torch.eye(3)
>>> neighbor_distances = torch.tensor(
...     [0.9381, 0.9381, 0.8246, 0.9381, 0.8246, 0.8246, 0.6928],
... )
>>> neighbor_indices = torch.tensor(
...     [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]]
... )
>>> smearing, parameter, timing = tune_ewald(
...     charges,
...     cell,
...     positions,
...     cutoff=1.0,
...     neighbor_distances=neighbor_distances,
...     neighbor_indices=neighbor_indices,
...     accuracy=1e-1,
... )
class torchpme.tuning.ewald.EwaldErrorBounds(charges: Tensor, cell: Tensor, positions: Tensor)[source]

Error bounds for torchpme.calculators.ewald.EwaldCalculator.

\[\text{Error}_{\text{total}} = \sqrt{\text{Error}_{\text{real space}}^2 + \text{Error}_{\text{Fourier space}}^2\]
  • charges (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (len(positions, 1)) containing the atomic (pseudo-)charges

  • cell (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (3, 3), where cell[i] is the i-th basis vector of the unit cell

  • positions (Tensor) – torch.tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the Cartesian coordinates of the N particles within the supercell.


>>> import torch
>>> positions = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4]])
>>> charges = torch.tensor([[1.0], [-1.0]])
>>> cell = torch.eye(3)
>>> error_bounds = EwaldErrorBounds(charges, cell, positions)
>>> print(error_bounds(smearing=1.0, lr_wavelength=0.5, cutoff=4.4))
err_kspace(smearing: Tensor, lr_wavelength: Tensor) Tensor[source]

The Fourier space error of Ewald.

Return type:


err_rspace(smearing: Tensor, cutoff: Tensor) Tensor[source]

The real space error of Ewald.

Return type:


forward(smearing: float, lr_wavelength: float, cutoff: float) Tensor[source]

Calculate the error bound of Ewald.

Return type:
