Source code for torchpme.tuning.ewald

import math
from typing import Any
from warnings import warn

import torch

from ..calculators import EwaldCalculator
from .tuner import GridSearchTuner, TuningErrorBounds

[docs] def tune_ewald( charges: torch.Tensor, cell: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor, cutoff: float, neighbor_indices: torch.Tensor, neighbor_distances: torch.Tensor, full_neighbor_list: bool = False, prefactor: float = 1.0, exponent: int = 1, ns_lo: int = 1, ns_hi: int = 14, accuracy: float = 1e-3, ) -> tuple[float, dict[str, Any], float]: r""" Find the optimal parameters for :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator`. .. note:: The :func:`torchpme.tuning.ewald.EwaldErrorBounds.forward` method takes floats as the input, in order to be in consistency with the rest of the package -- these parameters are always ``float`` but not ``torch.Tensor``. This design, however, prevents the utilization of ``torch.autograd`` and other ``torch`` features. To take advantage of these features, one can use the :func:`torchpme.tuning.ewald.EwaldErrorBounds.err_rspace` and :func:`torchpme.tuning.ewald.EwaldErrorBounds.err_kspace`, which takes ``torch.Tensor`` as parameters. :param charges: torch.tensor of shape ``(len(positions, 1))`` containing the atomic (pseudo-)charges :param cell: torch.tensor of shape ``(3, 3)``, where ``cell[i]`` is the i-th basis vector of the unit cell :param positions: torch.tensor of shape ``(N, 3)`` containing the Cartesian coordinates of the ``N`` particles within the supercell. :param cutoff: float, cutoff distance for the neighborlist :param exponent: :math:`p` in :math:`1/r^p` potentials, currently only :math:`p=1` is supported :param neighbor_indices: torch.tensor with the ``i,j`` indices of neighbors for which the potential should be computed in real space. :param neighbor_distances: torch.tensor with the pair distances of the neighbors for which the potential should be computed in real space. :param full_neighbor_list: If set to :py:obj:`True`, a "full" neighbor list is expected as input. This means that each atom pair appears twice. If set to :py:obj:`False`, a "half" neighbor list is expected. :param prefactor: electrostatics prefactor; see :ref:`prefactors` for details and common values. :param ns_lo: Minimum number of spatial resolution along each axis :param ns_hi: Maximum number of spatial resolution along each axis :param accuracy: Recomended values for a balance between the accuracy and speed is :math:`10^{-3}`. For more accurate results, use :math:`10^{-6}`. :return: Tuple containing a float of the optimal smearing for the :class: `CoulombPotential`, and a dictionary with the parameters for :class:`EwaldCalculator`, and the timing of this set of parameters. Example ------- >>> import torch >>> positions = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4]]) >>> charges = torch.tensor([[1.0], [-1.0]]) >>> cell = torch.eye(3) >>> neighbor_distances = torch.tensor( ... [0.9381, 0.9381, 0.8246, 0.9381, 0.8246, 0.8246, 0.6928], ... ) >>> neighbor_indices = torch.tensor( ... [[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]] ... ) >>> smearing, parameter, timing = tune_ewald( ... charges, ... cell, ... positions, ... cutoff=1.0, ... neighbor_distances=neighbor_distances, ... neighbor_indices=neighbor_indices, ... accuracy=1e-1, ... ) """ # if cell is 0 `min_dimension` will be zero as well; we raise a propper error later min_dimension = float(torch.min(torch.linalg.norm(cell, dim=1))) params = [{"lr_wavelength": min_dimension / ns} for ns in range(ns_lo, ns_hi + 1)] tuner = GridSearchTuner( charges=charges, cell=cell, positions=positions, cutoff=cutoff, exponent=exponent, neighbor_indices=neighbor_indices, neighbor_distances=neighbor_distances, full_neighbor_list=full_neighbor_list, prefactor=prefactor, calculator=EwaldCalculator, error_bounds=EwaldErrorBounds(charges=charges, cell=cell, positions=positions), params=params, ) smearing = tuner.estimate_smearing(accuracy) errs, timings = tuner.tune(accuracy) # There are multiple errors below the accuracy, return the one with the shortest # calculation time. The timing of those parameters leading to an higher error than # the accuracy are set to infinity if any(err < accuracy for err in errs): return smearing, params[timings.index(min(timings))], min(timings) # No parameter meets the requirement, return the one with the smallest error warn( f"No parameter meets the accuracy requirement.\n" f"Returning the parameter with the smallest error, which is {min(errs)}.\n", stacklevel=1, ) return smearing, params[errs.index(min(errs))], timings[errs.index(min(errs))]
[docs] class EwaldErrorBounds(TuningErrorBounds): r""" Error bounds for :class:`torchpme.calculators.ewald.EwaldCalculator`. .. math:: \text{Error}_{\text{total}} = \sqrt{\text{Error}_{\text{real space}}^2 + \text{Error}_{\text{Fourier space}}^2 :param charges: torch.tensor of shape ``(len(positions, 1))`` containing the atomic (pseudo-)charges :param cell: torch.tensor of shape ``(3, 3)``, where ``cell[i]`` is the i-th basis vector of the unit cell :param positions: torch.tensor of shape ``(N, 3)`` containing the Cartesian coordinates of the ``N`` particles within the supercell. Example ------- >>> import torch >>> positions = torch.tensor([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4]]) >>> charges = torch.tensor([[1.0], [-1.0]]) >>> cell = torch.eye(3) >>> error_bounds = EwaldErrorBounds(charges, cell, positions) >>> print(error_bounds(smearing=1.0, lr_wavelength=0.5, cutoff=4.4)) tensor(8.4304e-05) """ def __init__( self, charges: torch.Tensor, cell: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor, ): super().__init__(charges, cell, positions) self.volume = torch.abs(torch.det(cell)) self.sum_squared_charges = (charges**2).sum() self.prefac = 2 * self.sum_squared_charges / math.sqrt(len(positions)) self.cell = cell self.positions = positions
[docs] def err_kspace( self, smearing: torch.Tensor, lr_wavelength: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """ The Fourier space error of Ewald. :param smearing: see :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator` for details :param lr_wavelength: see :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator` for details """ return ( self.prefac**0.5 / smearing / torch.sqrt((2 * torch.pi) ** 2 * self.volume / (lr_wavelength) ** 0.5) * torch.exp(-((2 * torch.pi) ** 2) * smearing**2 / (lr_wavelength)) )
[docs] def err_rspace(self, smearing: torch.Tensor, cutoff: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ The real space error of Ewald. :param smearing: see :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator` for details :param lr_wavelength: see :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator` for details """ return ( self.prefac / torch.sqrt(cutoff * self.volume) * torch.exp(-(cutoff**2) / 2 / smearing**2) )
[docs] def forward( self, smearing: float, lr_wavelength: float, cutoff: float ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Calculate the error bound of Ewald. :param smearing: see :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator` for details :param lr_wavelength: see :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator` for details :param cutoff: see :class:`torchpme.EwaldCalculator` for details """ smearing = torch.tensor(smearing) lr_wavelength = torch.tensor(lr_wavelength) cutoff = torch.tensor(cutoff) return torch.sqrt( self.err_kspace(smearing, lr_wavelength) ** 2 + self.err_rspace(smearing, cutoff) ** 2 )