import torch
from torch import profiler
from .._utils import _validate_parameters
from ..potentials import Potential
class Calculator(torch.nn.Module):
Base calculator for the torch interface. Based on a
:class:`Potential` class, it computes the value of a potential
by either directly summing over neighbor atoms, or by combining
a local part computed in real space, and a long-range part computed
in the Fourier domain. The class can be used directly to evaluate
the real-space part of the potential, or subclassed providing
a strategy to evalate the long-range contribution in k-space
(see e.g. :class:`PMECalculator` or :class:`EwaldCalculator`).
NB: typically a subclass should only provide an implementation of
:param potential: a :class:`Potential` class object containing the functions
that are necessary to compute the various components of the potential, as
well as the parameters that determine the behavior of the potential itself.
:param full_neighbor_list: parameter indicating whether the neighbor information
will come from a full (True) or half (False, default) neighbor list.
:param prefactor: electrostatics prefactor; see :ref:`prefactors` for details and
common values.
def __init__(
potential: Potential,
full_neighbor_list: bool = False,
prefactor: float = 1.0,
if not isinstance(potential, Potential):
raise TypeError(
f"Potential must be an instance of Potential, got {type(potential)}"
self.potential = potential
self.full_neighbor_list = full_neighbor_list
self.prefactor = prefactor
def _compute_rspace(
charges: torch.Tensor,
neighbor_indices: torch.Tensor,
neighbor_distances: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
# Compute the pair potential terms V(r_ij) for each pair of atoms (i,j)
# contained in the neighbor list
with profiler.record_function("compute bare potential"):
if self.potential.smearing is None:
potentials_bare = self.potential.from_dist(neighbor_distances)
potentials_bare = self.potential.sr_from_dist(neighbor_distances)
# Multiply the bare potential terms V(r_ij) with the corresponding charges
# of ``atom j'' to obtain q_j*V(r_ij). Since each atom j can be a neighbor of
# multiple atom i's, we need to access those from neighbor_indices
atom_is = neighbor_indices[:, 0]
atom_js = neighbor_indices[:, 1]
with profiler.record_function("compute real potential"):
contributions_is = charges[atom_js] * potentials_bare.unsqueeze(-1)
# For each atom i, add up all contributions of the form q_j*V(r_ij) for j
# ranging over all of its neighbors.
with profiler.record_function("assign potential"):
potential = torch.zeros_like(charges)
potential.index_add_(0, atom_is, contributions_is)
# If we are using a half neighbor list, we need to add the contributions
# from the "inverse" pairs (j, i) to the atoms i
if not self.full_neighbor_list:
contributions_js = charges[atom_is] * potentials_bare.unsqueeze(-1)
potential.index_add_(0, atom_js, contributions_js)
# Compensate for double counting of pairs (i,j) and (j,i)
return potential / 2
def _compute_kspace(
charges: torch.Tensor,
cell: torch.Tensor,
positions: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Computes the Fourier-domain contribution to the potential, typically
corresponding to a long-range, slowly decaying type of interaction.
raise NotImplementedError(
f"`compute_kspace` not implemented for {self.__class__.__name__}"
def forward(
charges: torch.Tensor,
cell: torch.Tensor,
positions: torch.Tensor,
neighbor_indices: torch.Tensor,
neighbor_distances: torch.Tensor,
Compute the potential "energy".
It is calculated as
.. math::
V_i = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j} q_j\,v(r_{ij})
where :math:`v(r)` is the pair potential defined by the ``potential`` parameter
and :math:`q_j` are atomic "charges" (corresponding to the electrostatic charge
when using a Coulomb potential).
If the ``smearing`` of the ``potential`` is not set, the calculator evaluates
only the real-space part of the potential. Otherwise, provided that the
calculator implements a ``_compute_kspace`` method, it will also evaluate the
long-range part using a Fourier-domain method.
:param charges: torch.tensor of shape ``(n_channels, len(positions))``
containaing the atomic (pseudo-)charges. ``n_channels`` is the number of
charge channels the potential should be calculated. For a standard potential
``n_channels = 1``. If more than one "channel" is provided multiple
potentials for the same position are computed depending on the charges and
the potentials.
:param cell: torch.tensor of shape ``(3, 3)``, where ``cell[i]`` is the i-th
basis vector of the unit cell
:param positions: torch.tensor of shape ``(N, 3)`` containing the Cartesian
coordinates of the ``N`` particles within the supercell.
:param neighbor_indices: torch.tensor with the ``i,j`` indices of neighbors for
which the potential should be computed in real space.
:param neighbor_distances: torch.tensor with the pair distances of the neighbors
for which the potential should be computed in real space.
# Compute short-range (SR) part using a real space sum
potential_sr = self._compute_rspace(
if self.potential.smearing is None:
return self.prefactor * potential_sr
# Compute long-range (LR) part using a Fourier / reciprocal space sum
potential_lr = self._compute_kspace(
return self.prefactor * (potential_sr + potential_lr)