Source code for torchpme.lib.math

import torch
from torch.special import gammaln

[docs] def gamma(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ (Complete) Gamma function. pytorch has not implemented the commonly used (complete) Gamma function. We define it in a custom way to make autograd work as in """ return torch.exp(gammaln(x))
class _CustomExp1(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x): # this implementation is inspired by the one in scipy: # ctx.save_for_backward(x) # Constants SCIPY_EULER = ( 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431 # Euler-Mascheroni constant ) inf = torch.inf # Handle case when x == 0 result = torch.full_like(x, inf) mask = x > 0 # Compute for x <= 1 x_small = x[mask & (x <= 1)] if x_small.numel() > 0: e1 = torch.ones_like(x_small) r = torch.ones_like(x_small) for k in range(1, 26): r = -r * k * x_small / (k + 1.0) ** 2 e1 += r if torch.all(torch.abs(r) <= torch.abs(e1) * 1e-15): break result[mask & (x <= 1)] = -SCIPY_EULER - torch.log(x_small) + x_small * e1 # Compute for x > 1 x_large = x[mask & (x > 1)] if x_large.numel() > 0: m = 20 + (80.0 / x_large).to(torch.int32) t0 = torch.zeros_like(x_large) for k in range(m.max(), 0, -1): t0 = k / (1.0 + k / (x_large + t0)) t = 1.0 / (x_large + t0) result[mask & (x > 1)] = torch.exp(-x_large) * t return result @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): (x,) = ctx.saved_tensors return -grad_output * torch.exp(-x) / x
[docs] def exp1(x): r""" Exponential integral E1. For a real number :math:`x > 0` the exponential integral can be defined as .. math:: E1(x) = \int_{x}^{\infty} \frac{e^{-t}}{t} dt :param x: Input tensor (x > 0) :return: Exponential integral E1(x) """ return _CustomExp1.apply(x)
[docs] def gammaincc_over_powerlaw(exponent: torch.Tensor, z: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute the regularized incomplete gamma function complement for integer exponents. :param exponent: Exponent of the power law :param z: Value at which to evaluate the function :return: Regularized incomplete gamma function complement """ if exponent == 1: return torch.exp(-z) / z if exponent == 2: return torch.sqrt(torch.pi / z) * torch.erfc(torch.sqrt(z)) if exponent == 3: return exp1(z) if exponent == 4: return 2 * ( torch.exp(-z) - torch.sqrt(torch.pi * z) * torch.erfc(torch.sqrt(z)) ) if exponent == 5: return torch.exp(-z) - z * exp1(z) if exponent == 6: return ( (2 - 4 * z) * torch.exp(-z) + 4 * torch.sqrt(torch.pi * z**3) * torch.erfc(torch.sqrt(z)) ) / 3 raise ValueError(f"Unsupported exponent: {exponent}")